[ New Customer Set ] Receive product privileges and a total value of HK$2,200 cash vouchers starting from HK$380 – shop now

[ New Customer Exclusive ] Receive complimentary moisture homecare duo (worth HK$2,159) upon online purchase of HK$1,500, code [MTMNEW] – view more

[ Welcome Privilege ] Enjoy 5% off on any first order; or 10% off upon first purchase of HK$2,000 – view more

Receive 5% off & complimentary limited edition tote bag upon online purchase of HK$800 – view more

Receive a complimentary energize hydration combo (worth HK$661) upon online purchase of HK$3,280 – view more

club mtm labo

The club mtm labo unfolds your [ custom-blended skincare ] journey

mtm labo points
Any PurchaseAccumulate
7,000 points*
in 3 months
25,000 points*
in 12 months
80,000 points*
in 12 months

* Net product purchase HK$1=2 mtm labo points. Facial treatment, spa service and medical aesthetic treatment purchase HK$1=1 mtm labo point.

Terms & Conditions

  • Membership upgrade – Accumulated mtm labo points will determine the immediate membership upgrade within the membership year.
  • Membership renewal – Accumulated mtm labo points will be counted for renewal upon membership expiry.
  • mtm labo points will be forfeited upon membership expiry.
  • A membership year commences from the first month of enrollment and ends on the last day of the 12th month of the membership year.
  • Complimentary products, products purchased by gift certificate, transactions being reversed, or Environmental Levy Scheme on Plastic Shopping Bags are not eligible for any mtm labo points earned.
  • mtm labo reserves the right of final decision in case of disputes.

For Regional Purchase

  • After the member’s identity is authenticated, registered members from other regions can enjoy local regular member discount offers (including skincare product / facial treatment / spa service).
  • mtm labo points can only be earned in the region where the membership was issued.
  • All purchases shall abide by the membership’s terms and conditions of the issued region.

club mtm labo privileges

The club mtm labo membership program provides you with a wide array of exclusive privileges.

Companion account%O
Regular-priced products5% off10% off15% off
First trial on new facial treatment / spa service / medical aesthetic treatment25% off25% off30% off35% off
First trial on facial treatment / spa service / medical aesthetic treatment30% off
First trial on designated^ facial treatment / spa service / medical aesthetic treatment10% off20% off25% off30% off
Additional discount on spa service#5% off
Priority booking on facial treatment and spa service*O
nenrin creditHK$500 / 1,000HK$1,500 / 2,000
birthday delightsOOOOOOOOOO
bonus credit1%1%1.5%2%

Terms & Conditions

  • % diamond members are entitled to register a friend’s or family member’s account as a companion account, enabling shared access to the facial treatments and spa services purchased by the diamond membership. Prior to registration, the companion account holder must be enrolled as a club mtm labo member. Each diamond member is entitled to register one sub-account. All benefits are subject to applicable terms and conditions.
  • ^ The offer is only applicable to members who have never purchased the designated type of facial treatment, spa service, or medical aesthetic treatment. Each customer can only enjoy privilege once per facial treatment, spa service and medical aesthetic treatment.
  • # Not including custom-blended SPA Solution Plan. Available to spa service series purchase only.
  • * Subject to availability.
  • The first trial on new facial treatment / spa service / medical aesthetic treatment privilege is only valid within 2 months of treatment launch date. Each customer can only enjoy privilege once per facial treatment, spa service and medical aesthetic treatment.
  • The offer for first trial on facial treatment / spa service / medical aesthetic treatment can be used once only.

Nenrin credit celebrates your ultimate journey with mtm labo and has been introduced to extend your enjoyment.

Under 5 years of membership*HK$500HK$1,500
More than 5 years of membership*HK$1,000HK$2,000

Nenrin credit will be automatically credited to the membership account in the first month after membership renewal and only be valid for six months in any regular-priced product purchase and treatment purchase in store only^ (except Environmental Levy Scheme on Plastic Shopping Bags).

* Years of membership are only accumulated with pearl/topaz/diamond memberships; once the membership is pre-member in next membership cycle, the years of membership will automatically reset.
^ Not including facial treatment series / spa service series and custom-blended SPA Solution Plan; but can be used with membership discount.

On this special day, mtm labo delivers the warmest blessings to you.

In-store and Online Store privileges
Birthday giftOOOOOO
bonus credit2X
Regular-priced skincare product10% off10% off15% off20% off
In-store privileges
Single facial treatment / spa service#30% off40% off50% off
facial treatment seriesbuy 10 get 1 free
spa services series#buy 10 get 1 free
Add-on facial treatment / treatment additionalReceive a designated complimentary add-on facial treatment with any facial treatment purchase and a designated complimentary treatment additional with any spa service purchaseReceive a designated complimentary add-on facial treatment and a designated complimentary treatment additional on spa service
SPA by mtm labo creditHK$300HK$800HK$1,000
medical aesthetic treatment20% off30% off40% off
TIME by mtm labo creditHK$500HK$1,000

Terms & Conditions

  • # not including custom-blended SPA Solution Plan.
  • Birthday gifts for stores and Online Store may vary and are subject to change without prior notice. Each customer is entitled to redeem the gift once at stores and Online Store. Online Store birthday gift must be redeemed upon any online purchase. While stocks last.
  • Details regarding the redemption privileges will be communicated via SMS / WhatsApp / email. WhatsApp notification is valid only for Online Store offers.
  • Facial treatment, spa service, and medical aesthetic treatment are not eligible for redemption on the mtm labo Online Store.
  • The offer is valid only during your birthday month.
  • Each offer can only be redeemed once, except for bonus credit accrual, which is applicable throughout your entire birthday month.
  • The offer is applicable only on regular-priced [ custom-blended skincare ] products (excluding 3D collamoist lip treatment, make-up remover, solar shield plus SPF50+ PA+++ and solar shield aqua fit SPF 25 PA++).
  • Advance booking is required. (SPA by mtm labo is a lady-only establishment).
  • The offer cannot be transferred, combined with other promotional offers or exchanged for cash, products or other services
  • mtm labo reserves the right to make the final decision in case of disputes.

Bonus credit provides you an extraordinary shopping experience.

  • Every purchase will earn up to 2% of purchase amount as bonus credit*, depending on the membership tier. This credit can be used for your next purchase and in conjunction with all promotions.
  • Bonus credit will expire according to each member’s cycle.
  • Bonus credit earned from the 1st to the 6th month in the current cycle is valid till the 12th month end of the current cycle; whilst credit earned from the 7th to the 12th month in the current cycle, expires on the 6th month end of the Next cycle.
bonus credit earnedvalid period
bonus credit earnedvalid period
bonus credit earnedvalid period
Example 1
1/5/2019 – 30/4/2020
1/5/2019 – 31/10/201930/4/2020
1/11/2019 – 30/4/202031/10/2020
Example 2
1/1/2020 – 31/12/2020
1/1/2020 – 30/6/202031/12/2020
1/7/2020 – 31/12/202030/6/2021

Terms and Conditions

  • * The amount of bonus credit earned depends on the membership tier. Specifically, diamond membership can earn 2% of the purchase amount as bonus credit, topaz membership can earn 1.5%, pearl and pre-member membership can earn 1%. Bonus credit will not be earned from purchases made by gift certificate or bonus credit, transactions being reversed, any complimentary spending credits (e.g. birthday delights and nenrin credit) or Environmental Levy Scheme on Plastic Shopping Bags.
  • Bonus credit is earned from the net invoice amount by single invoice basis.
  • Bonus credit is rounded down to HK$1. If the bonus credit earned is less than HK$1 in a single invoice, the bonus credit will not be counted.
  • Bonus credit is not redeemable for cash, not exchangeable and not transferable.