mtm labo believes that every individual is unique. Even for twins, it’s like looking into a mirror when they gaze at each other; upon closer look, their faces appear as entirely different works of art, each telling the unique stories of growth. Fine lines etch the marks of wisdom, while spots imprint the journey of life.

Let [ custom-blended skincare ] mask add natural colors to your skin
mtm labo knows you and your skin. Use our [ custom-blended skincare ] mask to craft an artistic masterpiece for your face. Selected mask combinations to awaken your skin’s authentic beauty, transforming your face into a delicate and captivating work of art.

Combo 1: deep cleansing, skin renewal
Start with the custom-blended deep cleansing purimask to restore your skin’s radiance, providing a perfect base for this masterpiece; followed by the custom-blended reishi mask, incorporated with the Japanese red reishi extract and the exquisite Chinese herbal formulation to revitalize the skin for a healthy, radiant glow.

Combo 2: resume the “water-oil-nutriment equilibrium”
Using the two classic custom-blended mask together – custom-blended hydrating mask and custom-blended nutriment mask, adjust the ration according to preference and skin conditions, just like tuning the shades on a color palette. Start with applying the custom-blended hydrating mask over face and neck, followed by custom-blended nutriment mask on key areas lacking nourishment, infuse the skin with a continuous supply of moisture and nutrients, revitalizing it and maintaining the golden ratio of water, oil, and nutrients, allowing the skin to radiate with vitality.