mtm labo’s partner in the rebranding project – Mr. Kenya Hara, an internationally renowned design master, has been honored with the “DFA Lifetime Achievement Award.” He visited Hong Kong to participate in the “BODW 2023 Summit” forum on November 29. Mr. Kenya Hara has showcased his talent and creativity in various design projects, redefining the …
With the premium collagen ingredients – Tri-Marine Collagen, Type III Collagen MAX, Collagen Iron Triangle, it promotes restoration of dense collagen structure and reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Resulting in plump and facial contour, stimulates cells regeneration and delays skin aging. Youthful complexion by Tri-Marine Collagen The revolutionary tri-marine collagen permeates each …
custom-blended collagen collection delivers exceptional restorative efficiency, allowing you to reveal your true self. The custom-blended collagen mask, the newest addition to the mtm labo premium collagen collection, is a high-purity collagen face and neck mask supplemented with custom-blended onsen essence and proprietary custom-blend botanical extract. It nurses your skin from the face to the neck, …
Thank you for your continuous support and trust in mtm labo. To support the expansion of our business, [ custom-blended ] professional facial treatments will be available in our Festival Walk store from October 15, 2023, while our [custom-blended skincare] products and related services will remain unchanged. Shop G32, Festival Walk, Kowloon Tongphone : 2123 9246 …
Redefine your precious self As time goes by, release your past self, embrace clarity of purpose, and cultivate an empowered heart to embrace everything around you. Starts by knowing you and your skin, mtm labo embody your unique beauty, liberate from all boundaries and limitations Treatment features As time gracefully unfolds, skin loses its elasticity, …