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“VISUALIZE 60 Vol.1” exhibition

Nippon Design Center, Inc. (NDC) have been dedicating full support for mtm labo’s rebranding project. In Nov 2020, NDC presented “VISUALIZE 60 Vol.1” exhibition at POLYLOGUE on the 13th floor of NDC’s Tokyo Headquarters to celebrate their 60th anniversary. mtm labo is one of the projects being showcased in this exhibition.

This is the first half of the main “VISUALIZE 60” exhibition, which takes a fresh look at design and Nippon Design Center from the perspective of visualizing the essence of both. The exhibition covers thirty of sixty recent projects in which NDC has handled new areas, including visual identity, signage, product and application development, and exhibition planning and production. Other than mtm labo, the exhibited projects including Setouchi Triennale, MUJI HOTEL, Dojima Sake Brewery, Ichihara Lakeside Museum, Joshibi University of Art and Design, etc.

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